Requesting suppliers’ understanding and cooperation with Mizuho’s approach to procurement
Mizuho Financial Group

Your cooperation in providing goods and services such as office supplies, IT systems, and outsourcing supports our business operations.

At Mizuho, we are promoting responsible and optimal procurement, improving corporate value, and aiming to achieve a sustainable society, in line with our basic approach to procurement operations, available below.

Basic approach to procurement operations

Fair and impartial decisions on suppliers

We will make fair and impartial decisions on suppliers, taking into account factors such as quality, ease of use of services, price, reliability, compliance with laws and regulations, information management frameworks, respect for human rights, and environmentally friendly initiatives.

Compliance with laws and regulations and social norms

・We will fully comply with all laws, rules, and regulations; always adhere to social norms; and exercise strong self-discipline in our procurement operations.
・With our suppliers, we will maintain healthy and transparent relationships. To ensure this, we will not accept gifts or entertainment from suppliers when these are against social norms.

Respect for human rights and consideration for the environment

・In our procurement operations, we will endeavor to respect human rights and reduce our environmental footprint.
・We will also encourage our suppliers to respect human rights and give consideration to the environment in their business operations.

Throughout our procurement operations, we expect our suppliers to understand and cooperate with the following, as well as understand Mizuho’s Human Rights Policy and Environmental Policy. This enables both Mizuho and our suppliers to positively contribute to development of a sustainable society and achieve mutual growth as business partners.

Requirements for suppliers

Compliance with laws and regulations and social norms

Fully comply with all laws, rules, and regulations, adhere to social norms, and conduct corporate activities fairly and in good faith.

Information management

Manage information gathered through business operations with due care, in compliance with laws on the protection of personal information and any related laws.

Respect for human rights

Be aware of the ways in which business operations have the potential to impact human rights and endeavor to respect human rights while carrying out corporate activities.

ーRespect the basic human rights of employees
ーProvide employees with a safe and comfortable work environment
ーDo not discriminate and do not use child labor or forced labor
ーRespect the right to free association and non-association and the right to collective bargaining, in conformance with laws and regulations
ーPromote diversity and inclusion in order to ensure the participation and development of diverse talent
ーWork proactively to eliminate discrimination and harassment

Consideration for the environment

Work to reduce the environmental impact of business operations through use of sustainable energy and resources, pollution prevention, green procurement, and other measures.

ーLimit use of resources and energy
ーEndeavor to use low-carbon or zero-carbon energy sources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
ーUse resources effectively by reducing waste and practicing reuse and recycling
ーLimit use and emission of substances harmful to the environment and/or human beings
ーUse natural resources such as forests without depleting them
ーDo not use raw or other materials which harm biodiversity or ecosystems